Habitat trip - Green Heron, etc.

cfox@mit.edu's picture
April 27, 2015
Green heron

On Saturday, I took the kids to Habitat in Belmont. Slightly to my surprise they were both perfectly willing. Both kids got good looks at this green heron, that George accidentally flushed at turtle pond; we watched it fly and then land on a low branch with good views.

After heading towards the other half of Habitat, we spotted several serious bird watchers with serious bird watcher gear. Most of the way up Highland Farm loop, one of them stopped to chat and showed me where the great horned owl (mother) was perched - apparently they were all looking for the newly mobile great horned owl fledging, which had apparently given good views earlier that morning.

As we neared the meadow, I stopped to watch the chickadee flock, and had my first of year warbler, a pine warbler.
