Letters to Mary Dunton - 01/10/1915

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March 11, 2013

A letter from George.

Jan 10 1915
Dear Mary

With you had been here for Sunday night lunch, we had pressed chicken cold baked beans, roast beef and bread and milk. The last was my principal item, and I took it alone as Martha had been invited to the Langlois for supper and your mother still takes hers up stairs.

She has been down stairs for a short time nearly every day of late, but she thinks she over did yesterday and and has had rather a poor day. Am in hopes tomorrow will show an improvement. She wants to see aunt Mary Renwick and has asked me to write her to come up soon.

Very little excitement and what there is I do not see much of. When Martha meets with the athletic club it is generally at some other house so that I only know of it by hearsay.

The sleighing is said to be fine, but that does not affect me much as I am long since past that kind of sport,

George does not sound worried about Lavinia; a nice contrast from her doom and gloom on the last letter.

but I think Mary Ecklund was out with a bob-sled party the other night. How is the watch running. Shall be going in to see Mr. Claw soon and I want to report on your watch. Marthas still stops and starts by fits and I shall take it back to him to be made right or exchanged for one that is right.

The family pronounced your reply to Mrs. Ellwood very good and just right.

I have through of you struggling up that icy hill some of these cold mornings and wondered if you could make it. They ought to sprinkle sand or ashes on the walk and perhaps they do.

I saw in Chicago one day a large wagon loaded with salt passing along the street with a man standing up and scattering the salt broadcast with a shovel as far as he could throw it to make the street less slippery.

Much love from all
Your father
GW Dunton

Mary Ecklund is the maid/cook, I think. I can't catch the name of the watch seller at all, and I don't have any context on Ellwood.

Salted roads are clearly a noteworthy novelty.
