Letters to Mary Dunton - 01/17/1915

cfox@mit.edu's picture
March 17, 2013

Another letter from George (we're in a string of them, fairly closely spaced).

Jan 17. 1915

Dear Mary,
If all has gone well with you I suppose you are by this time home and perhaps in bed. We have thought of you at Rockford and hoped you were having a good time with Eleanor and the other girls and I have wondered if you found a direct route without change of cars from Madison to Rockford. They have finally taken off that noon train from Sycamore North both Sundays and week days, and when you come this way you will have to wait in Janesville I think and not reach home till 715 instead of 535.

Your mother does not seem to gain very fast, although Ellis thinks she is making some progress. We tried changing nurses Miss Casheu went home Tuesday and another one came to take her place but it did not work well and we changed back, Miss Casheu returning yesterday. That is not all of our trouble. Mary Ecklund was down sick with Grippe Thursday morning and we had to send her home and she is still absent.

Janesville would have to be Janesville WI. I gather grippe is flu of some sort (and Mary Ecklund is the maid); it's not really been clear what ails Lavinia, but we'll get more details soon, and it's more mental than physical. My corroborating account (the recollections of Lavinia's niece) also suggests that Lavinia is downright neurotic.

Meanwhile Martha is head cook with Nevill and Miss Cashew for assistants. She is doing first rate however and I might be induced to make the job permanent.

Some girl from Fort Wayne is visiting Doris and Martha has gone to spend the evening with them. Presume the atheletic club will all be there. I hear Chas Townsend is now at Denver visiting the Dentons and will be home in a few days.

Martha's watch continues to behave badly and yesterday as I was going to Chicago I took it in and Mr Claw, from whom I got it, at once said to leave it with him for a day or two and he would put in a new movement and send it out by express.

Hope yours is doing all right.

It was about the worst day I ever put in in Chicago and I am quite reconciled to having it colder today. Much love from all the family.
Your Father
G.W. Dunton

The Dentons in Denver are my ancestor in this, so I have a ping of interest and recognition here, but this isn't adding a lot.
