Letters to Mary Dunton - 02/17/1915

cfox@mit.edu's picture
July 12, 2013

I fell out of the habit of posting these, and have lately found myself wondering where the story's going, and missing it. I had been a little discouraged by the RSS woes (now solved) on the blog site. I also went back to work full time (my position had been half time for almost six years) which I'm happy about, but I'm also in a phase where I've dropped a lot of the extras from my life, and am figuring out what should stay on the back burner, and what I actually miss.

When I left off before, George was dealing with a sick and difficult Lavinia at the end of January. This sounds a little more mundane, and George is using his half-height writing paper again.

Dear Mary,
Just a line or two so you will not think you are forgotten. Your letter was read and appreciated, but you need not feel obliged to address your letters to me unless you want to say some thing that you do not want the rest of the family to read, as it is all the same who ever you address. Your mother is always watching for a letter from you and she gets it a little sooner if it is delivered at the house.

I'd be wary, too, after the warning in the last letter.

The family are of the unanimous opinion that you had better not take piano lessons. It is lots of work to practice and as warm weather comes on you will need all your strength for something else and had better put in your spare time out of doors.

Mr & Mrs Townsend have a silver wedding tomorrow night and Martha is to help wait on table. They will have cards after supper with seven tables. Your paper is very nice and a good quality to write on. Not much change with your mother since I wrote last. Weather fine as silk. Love from all
Your Father
GW Dunton

Whatever does he mean by "fine as silk" weather in February?
