Letters to Mary Dunton - 03/28/1915

cfox@mit.edu's picture
July 22, 2013

A letter from George Dunton.

Dear Mary

Am not sure that anyone has written to you this week which is all wrong, but I was busy Wednesday evening which is my regular time. Nothing much to write about anyway as we jog along from day to day in about the same rut. We are watching with some interest the metamorphosis (that's a fine word) which is taking place in the Shurtleff house next door. You won't be able to believe it is the same house when you see it. Mrs Groves has been visiting the Halls for several days. She has been over to see your mother several times and was taking lunch with her when I started up town. Eva also made her quite a visit today and once when we were alone she asked me to read to her, all of which seems to me to point to an improvement. Martha was in Rockford till Thursday

Well, they seem a social lot.

morning. It had been planned that Joyce would come home with her but Joyce had company come from DeKalb and so had to stay home. I expect she will come tomorrow morning and stay with mother all night and the pair of them will go to Chicago the next morning. Eleanor is home for a weeks vacation and Martha is over there with the gang this evening. I guess Mr McCracken is there, at any rate he was there last night. Your mother had lots of flowers sent in for her birthday, among the rest a fine basket containing a pot of lillies growing and in bloom from uncle Gilbert. We will be looking for you Thursday night, so if anything happens so you can't get away that day be sure and send word by wire if necessary, otherwise your mother will think something terrible has happened and it will give her a bad set back.
Love from all the family
Your father G.W Dunton

Gilbert is my great-grandfather, and Lavinia's younger brother. So Lavinia is well enough to go to Chicago, but is still being fussed over a fair bit.
