The next letter in the sequence. We've got two letters in each of October, November and December coming up, and I'm going to try to keep them coming.
Miss Mary D Dunton
606 Francis St
We'll be seeing this address a lot; mostly it's annotated with "c/o Ye Faith Inn" and it's apparently her college boarding house.
Sept 28 - 1913
Dear Mary
It is now 745 p.m. about half an hour ago the athletic club together with Mrs Townsend and Eleanor began to assemble at our house and I decided that my room would be more highly appreciated than any company and I have betaken myself to my office the same as Topsey does when life becomes too strenuous for her. I wonder what you are doing now. Getting a lesson for tomorrow perhaps or perhaps a visit to one of the Madison churches, or perhaps a social time in the reception room of Ye Faith Inn. Who can tell? It seems a long time since you went away, but is only five days. Last night I mailed you a package of books. Do not know that any of them are what you want there are lots of German and French books in the library that we can send if you want them. Among them a larger German dictionary, and I think a French dictionary. Let us know if you want any of them.
So George Dunton isn't a relentless social butterfly, and seems to genuinely miss Mary. Topsey is a pet...? No mention made of George and Lavinia going to church, though the 28th was a Sunday, so that sounds like pure fantasy to me.
The golf experts of our club were invited to visit the Elgin club yesterday. John Lewis thought he and I ought to be there and voluntiered[sic] to go over with his auto and take Louise Martha and myself. We accepted with pleasure and had a fine time though we did not play ourselves. The day was perfect, the roads good and the Elgin people very hospitable Martha was tierd[sic] when we reached home but I think it was the kind of tierd[sic] that did her good as she reported this morning that she had a good night's sleep. Today your mother and I went to uncle Paul's to see Rebecca, got home just in time for dinner. Martha did not go. Mrs. Gill left yesterday and I suppose the new girl will be on duty tomorrow. Hope so any way. Your mother says she can't wait very long before seeing you and that we must make you a visit early in October. I don't know just how soon but guess we will come up before very long, probably not this week will try and send pictures ? ????? tomorrow
much love from your father GW Dunton
Elgin is roughly 25 miles from Sycamore, so I suppose travelling there by car is a substantial day trip.
I haven't pieced together who uncle Paul is. Lavinia has a sister named Rebecca, but she's married to Stafford Harlow, and is likely either in Kansas or in Denver, not rattling around the environs of Sycamore. "Uncle Paul and Rebecca" are mentioned together a lot, and seem to live somewhere nearby. Perhaps Paul is George Dunton's brother or uncle?
It's over a year since the last "new girl" so it's hard to follow what's going on with the household help.
"Pictures and rugs"? "Pictures of something"? I can't make that last bit out.
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