Sandy was cause to work from home and watch the news a lot, but left us wholly unscathed. Power dropped for a few seconds in early evening, and that was it. I got a small amount of work done, and the machine sewing of the binding on the hexagon quilt.
I am not quite happily started on another quilt (yes, there's at least one finished top that I could layer and quilt, but that's stalled for various reasons too). I am playing with the concept of flying geese layed out alongside triangle-in-a-square, out of bright colors, with some colors stacking into chevrons, and others at random.
But it feels hasty to jump into it without thinking it over for a week, and I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the randomness.
Unrelatedly, my dog has no dignity whatever. She was not wholly oblivious to me photographing her - after more overt bugging for a walk had failed, she turned to rolling around next to me as a bid for attention.
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