Virgin Tiger Moth's picture
August 7, 2015
Virgin Tiger Moth
Virgin Tiger Moth

Monty, George and I are at Pine Haven for a slightly longer weekend than our usual, while we visit Denton at camp tonight and over the weekend. We got in fairly late last night, and ran the moth light, though with a somewhat late start to the light, plus not getting up very early, we didn't have a huge bonanza. We did investigate around the bathrooms, and found a few good ones, including this Virgin Tiger Moth (Grammia virgo).

We actually found two specimens, both on the foundation (below the siding); neither seemed very lively - one fluttered helplessly without taking off, when we picked it up. That did allow us to get a good look at its bright hindwings, however. Virgin Tiger Moth (Grammia virgo), Wentworth NH, 8/6/2015.
