White-Dotted Prominent

cfox@mit.edu's picture
July 21, 2014
White-Dotted Prominent, restroom exterior wall
White-Dotted Prominent, on my thumb
White-Dotted Prominent, head-on view

I have spent another night at Pine Haven, and returned restocked with moth photographs. I figured out this time that there will be moths perched on the outside of the bathrooms (by the lights) and in many cases they can be coaxed onto the tip of a stick, even if they are well out of reach (some would respond to poking by fluttering away, but others were fairly placid about being handled).

I think this one is a White-Dotted Prominent (Nadata gibbosa). Wentworth NH, 7/20/2014.

Denton's been dropped off at a sleep-away camp for the first time, which was the motivation for the trip. I'll have a few more moth pictures upcoming as I work through them.
