In honor of my new camera, I bring you a poorly executed photo of a Woodlouse Hunter (Dysdera crocata) - Medford MA, 8/16/2014. George and I went to Brooks Estate, and were turning over logs in the stump dump, and came upon this large and active spider.
I was out primarily to get some practice with the new camera; since getting home, I have figured out how to lock the autofocus to the central focus point, but I hadn't gotten that working when we found the spider, and I found myself chasing it around the bowl-shaped hollow with the camera persistently focussing on closer points off-center. I am finding that the auto-exposure presets are much better than what I was using before - there's less need to manually adjust, and also that the macro lens is wholly satisfactory in terms of being able to deliver magnification and narrow focal plane.
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