Many places near Harrisburg have lots of this very distinctive vine to be seen, and I was surprised to find a plant so wholly unfamiliar. Turns out it is Asiatic Tearthumb (Persicaria perfoliata), and per the wikipedia page it was introduced in Pennsylvania and has spread outwards from there.
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Memorial Day Weekend at Pine Haven - Rattlesnake Mtn. Hike
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I took the kids up to Pine Haven (Wentworth NH) for "the usual" on the holiday weekend. After some moth-light drama (purchasing a replacement battery charger for the big 12V battery) I got that set up Friday and Saturday nights. Pictures from that will be forthcoming, but the bucket was less impressively successful than before, largely due to large June beetles disturbing the contents, and, the second night, me choosing a bad location where a breeze kicked up around dawn and sent the sheet snapping like a flag.
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Brooks Estate 5/24
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Monty's back from California for a few weeks, and we'd had a weekend of plans for outdoor activity, only to back off from most of them due to the digestive illness that the kids brought home afflicting Monty (I have a worry that I am next). I escaped to go walk around Brooks Estate by myself at 6:30pm, with the thought that I hadn't seen blooming Jack in the Pulpit in some time, but that it should be to-be-found at Brooks Estate. Indeed I found it, though only one somewhat tattered one.
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